Happy Anniversary to Us!
Four years ago, we took a leap of faith. We stepped outside of our comfort zone of working for an economic development organization and started a new consulting practice. Being a wholly owned subsidiary of Butler Snow LLP enabled us to launch VisionFirst Advisors quickly and effectively.
Today, we are a team of seven, leading site searches, analyzing incentives, developing strategy and creating marketing and communications plans, all while partnering with some of the greatest clients a company can have! Starting this practice was not just a place holder until the next gig, nor was it something to do until retirement. It is an all-out effort to build a firm that has longevity by serving as trusted partners, providing fresh ideas and creating strategies for our clients to be successful.
Over the last four years, our process of delivering results has stayed true and, like our name, it all starts with a VISION first. It’s like we like to say, find your North Star and set your course. Once that is done you gain clarity of the mission and what it takes to achieve success.
Thank you to our clients who have entrusted us with their confidence and business decisions. We don’t take that lightly. That’s why the VisionFirst team continues to listen, learn and seek new ways to approach old problems. It’s like the student said to Albert Einstein, “Professor, the questions on this exam are the same as they were last year.” To which he replied, “Yes, the questions are the same, but the answers are different.”
Let’s hear from you!