Service Location Advisory, Marketing & Communications Support
Location Florida, Georgia, Louisiana & North Carolina

SITUATION: Weyerhaeuser works with local communities to identify strategic economic development opportunities near and around its land holdings. Weyerhaeuser retained VisionFirst to serve as an extension of its team to assist in economic development needs and activities associated with industrial property holdings.
SOLUTION: Over the last three years, VisionFirst has assisted Weyerhaeuser in site development and marketing assistance for several project locations. VisionFirst’s messaging for the company underscores its environmental commitment while also positioning it as a champion of economic issues such as workforce development demonstrating and overall commitment to the communities it serves.
SUCCESS: Through VisionFirst’s strategic counsel along with marketing and communications assistance, Weyerhaeuser has seen an increase in interest in the sites. VisionFirst is also developing a workforce analysis that will shape talent pipeline efforts as well as messaging to better position workforce as a competitive advantage in the communities served.
“…We needed an economic development partner that had the experience and breadth of relationships that could successfully assist us throughout our landholdings. And we needed a firm that we and our partners could trust for guidance. VisionFirst is important to our success and the success of our partnering communities.”