Service LaBor Market Assessment
Location Arkansas & Texas

SITUATION: With AR-TX REDI’s multiple properties across two counties and states, it was critical that the region reexamine and identify its unique advantages in today’s competitive marketplace. AR-TX REDI enlisted VisionFirst to conduct an in-depth data workforce review and alignment assessment of the AR-TX REDI region and the surrounding laborshed.
SOLUTION: The development of the workforce alignment audit integrated quantitative analyses and insights, interviews from community leaders and businesses as well as the perspectives from staff committed to advancing the region’s economic development and prosperity efforts.
SUCCESS: The assessment provided by VisionFirst provides AR-TX REDI with extensive capabilities to understand the region’s workforce capabilities and gives AR-TX REDI the data, marketing and messaging to demonstrate an available workforce to global and national site selectors and business decision markers.
“Through VisionFirst Advisors’ efforts on marketing and workforce intelligence, we have been able to increase our region’s competitive advantage with consultants and business decision makers. The team collects and interprets information in a way that tells my region’s incredible story and promotes advantages more holistically. It is a talent seldom seen in the economic development space.”