Latest News and Insights
VisionFirst Advisors Honors Memory of Melissa R. Medley With Gift to VSU
Jan 31, 2022
VisionFirst Advisors, a consulting firm focused on community and economic development based in Tallahassee, has made a gift to the Valdosta State University Foundation to create the Melissa R. Medley Economic Development and Community Engagement Fund. Medley, one of...
Space Perspective Selects Space Coast Spaceport for Worldwide Campus
Dec 20, 2021
VisionFirst leads site selection project that will invest more than $38 million in Florida and create 240 Jobs As a huge space enthusiast, partnering with Space Perspective on their site search was a fantastic experience. Thank you for using VisionFirst Advisors...
Florida Economic Development Council Honors Melissa Medley with Inaugural Creativity Award
Oct 14, 2021
Florida’s Great Northwest Takes Home Win for “Go Beyond Our Beaches” Campaign at Florida Economic Development Conference. TALLAHASSEE, FL. (October 14, 2021) - The Florida Economic Development Council (FEDC) announced the creation of the Melissa Medley Creativity...
Six Year Anniversary…and we’re still growing
Mar 5, 2021
Six years ago, I borrowed a handcart and moved my personal belongings from my office next to Governor Rick Scott in the Florida Capitol and Enterprise Florida’s Tallahassee office to the Regus Center on Monroe Street. With that move, VisionFirst Advisors officially...
I’d Rather Eat a Bug than Relive 2020*
Jan 15, 2021
As our family at VisionFirst celebrates the start of a new year, we also reflect on what transpired in 2020 including the anniversary of the unexpected death of co-founder, mother, friend and marketing ninja - Melissa Medley on January 17th. Yes, 2020 for VisionFirst...
VisionFirst Advisors Consultant Opening
Jan 5, 2021
Tallahassee, Florida VisionFirst Advisors is looking to add an entry level, fulltime Consultant to the Tallahassee office. You will gain experience working in the economic development profession by contributing on a variety of projects involving business strategy,...
VisionFirst Advisors Welcomes New Board Members
Oct 22, 2020
Today, VisionFirst Advisors announced the appointment of three new board members John England, Tray Hariston and Carmen Lavergne each professionals of Butler Snow LLP. “Our new board members bring additional experience and...
Partnering to Maximize CARES Act Funding
Aug 31, 2020
VisionFirst partners to help Santa Rosa County maximize CARES funding.
You too can be Virtually Pitch Perfect!
Jun 17, 2020
SERIES III Now that you’ve perfected your online presence (series one), your virtual tours (series two)… you’re ready to make the perfect pitch. As we discussed in the series one, defining your competitive advantages expresses to the customer what sets you apart...
Lights, Camera, Focus… on a Virtual Experience
Jun 11, 2020
SERIES II Launched in 2005, Google Earth was the first interactive composite map of the world. Where is the first place you searched? Your house of course. Did the search result in the correct location or did the pin drop down the street? How grainy was the...